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Studio Updates


Here’s an overview of the latest studio updates for Kerry Engbarth Fine Art. I spent some time finalizing the painting I shared previously of the Older Woman/Elf/Crone and Butterfly. I have been working on a new series of paintings that will foray into the archetypes of Maiden, Mother, and Crone. I will probably focus more on the crone archetype as I have been fascinated with exploring aging in my art.

I spent most of the time, though, trying to get comfortable with my new website. I finally decided to go with Wix Studio for my website which has a store option where you can see my current paintings for sale. It also gives me a place to continue this blog. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I had my first-ever artist’s reception at the local winery where my paintings have been hanging for nearly a month.


I originally was going to title this painting “Kindly Crone,” but the more I worked on it, the more I felt it represented a metamorphosis, both for the butterfly and the woman. I really wanted to capture the glow of the butterfly and the spheres.

I brought this to my weekly coaching session and received feedback on darkening the background to achieve more contrast. I also spent time with Radiant Paints to further enhance the brightness in the butterfly and the spheres and background lights.

This is where I landed at the end. I did spend more time on the hair and skin to add details. How do you think it turned out? Does the title “Metamorphosis” resonate with the subject?

Artist’s Reception

As part of the ArtWalla monthly art walk, I was the featured artist at Plumb Cellars in Walla Walla, Washington. My paintings had been displayed there for nearly a month and I had already sold two of them. This was my first-ever artist’s reception, and I was nervous.

I had posted an event on Facebook and the winery did as well. Imagine my surprise when many of my friends said they were going to come. I didn’t expect that level of response. One brought me a dozen roses. I felt like a prima donna. Another brought a nice plant. One brought me a bottle of wine with an owl label. She knows how much I love owls.

I set up my easel and worked some on the Metamorphoses painting, thinking it would be a good way to draw people in as well as giving me something to do with my hands! My niece, who is also an artist, paid a visit. We are taking about collaborating on another show, place and time to be determined.

By the end of the evening, I had sold two paintings and received two commissions. As an artist who still struggles with Imposter Syndrome (who do I think I am?), this was a big boost to my confidence.


Persistence pays off. Pushing myself to get out of my comfort zone has resulted in enough success to make me feel like I AM AN ARTIST! Thank you all who continue to follow me and provide ongoing encouragement.

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