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In the Studio This Week – Still Life Two Ways and an Owl, plus a Wreck!


In the studio this week, the Mailan Art Institute Mastery Program art school had a scheduled break. I was about a week behind and used this time to catch up. I also had signed up for the taster sessions for Lifebook 2024. This is another course offered by the amazing Tamara LaPorte of I wasn’t sure I’d have time to do any of the sessions, but one lesson was of an owl that really spoke to me.

The week ended up not so well as I had my first ever automobile accident and I was at fault! I’ve never even had a parking ticket before this.

Still Life Number One

This still life was from a photo, one of many offered by the Mastery Program as a reference source. I chose a photo of a rosebud in a vase, as it appeared less complicated than the other choices. The shapes were simple enough, but capturing the reflection and the various shading on the leaves and the glass were more difficult than I had hoped. The point of this lesson was to get as close to realism as possible. I think my drawing came close, but certainly not perfect. I’m still trying to get comfortable with the transitory nature of charcoal.

<img decoding="async" src="" alt="Charcoal drawing of a rosebud in a glass tumbler from the Milan Art Institute Mastery Program art school." class="wp-image-5338" style="width:600px" width="600" srcset=" 768w, 225w, 1152w, 1536w, 1920w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" />

Still Life Number Two

This was the third in the series of starting with limited colors and then gradually adding a few more colors to the palette. One of the objectives of this lesson was to set up a composition, using different materials than used in the previous still life lessons.

I chose a clear vase with flowers, a marble mortar and pestle, and one of my journals. I didn’t capture the reflective nature of the vase very well and the proportions of the mortar and pestle are off, but I like the way I captured the book and the ring binding. I like that I was able to give the illusion of the binding without going overly detailed. What do you think?

<img decoding="async" src="" alt="Still life oil painting of a vase of flowers, a mortar and pestle, and a journal sitting on a table from the Milan Art Institute Mastery Program art school. " class="wp-image-5339" style="width:600px" width="600" srcset=" 768w, 225w, 1152w, 1536w, 1920w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" />

Lifebook 2024 Taster Session with Dawn Vander Stoep

I signed up for the Lifebook Taster sessions, knowing that most likely I wouldn’t have time to do any of them before the time ended. I did look through each of the daily lessons and many of them featured artists I’d taken lessons from before.

I had decided that, if I were to take any of the lessons, I would try an artist who I had never known. I also wanted to try different mediums to get out of my comfort zone. I also wanted to do something quick and fun to take a break from the rigor of the Mastery Program.

One did catch my eye. It was an owl done in pan pastels and accented with gold acrylic paint. I love owls and have painted many. I also want to be more comfortable painting with pastels. This lesson used pan pastels and I just happened to have a set in my art supply stash that I had for awhile but really didn’t know what to do with them.

How could I not take this lesson?

<img decoding="async" src="" alt="Mixed Media Owl Painting with charcoal, pan pastel, and acrylic paint" class="wp-image-5340" style="width:600px" width="600" srcset=" 1666w, 195w, 667w, 768w, 1000w, 1333w" sizes="(max-width: 1666px) 100vw, 1666px" />

The Wreck

The week ended well. I had caught up on my Mastery Program lessons and even had time to do a quick, fun painting. I was set for the upcoming week when I took a left turn out of the church parking lot and ran right into a car coming straight on the road towards me. I swear I didn’t even see it coming!

Both my husband and I were in a tailspin and traumatized by the whole event. I took a day off painting as I had to drive to Phoenix. That was a little unnerving, but I hope to be on track next week.

<img decoding="async" src="" alt="Wrecked automobile being loaded on a tow-truck. " class="wp-image-5341" style="width:600px" width="600" srcset=" 2560w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 2560px) 100vw, 2560px" />


Life can be a roller coaster at times. Lately, mine feels like a cement mixer. Just get in and keep driving, the journey is not over yet.

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